A Quick Thought: Encountering God

Who or what is God, the Supreme Being, the Higher Power, our One Consciousness? Where do we find God? Where do we find clues to the nature of a Supreme Being? How do we encounter this entity in this life? How do we relate to that which gives rise to our conscious being? The Book of Psalms in the Old Testament is as unlikely a place as any. These songs or poems are also known as The Writings or Ketuvim in the Hebrew Bible. In Psalm 46, line 10, there is this simple but beautiful invitation:

“Be still and know that I am God.”

The mystery is wondrous: how is it that we find this call to stillness and mindfulness right here in the middle of this Middle Eastern sacred scripture? The Psalms are also known as David’s songs to Yahweh, and are a revelation of the relationship between God and the chosen people. Many modern biblical scholars as well as teachers of mindfulness, most recently Eckhart Tolle, have called attention to this verse as a call to contemplation. Tolle finds a moment of truth in this verse, calling it “a gem not to be overlooked.” What is it about this simple call to rest, focus and trust from the One who gives rise to our mutual shared consciousness?

One way to experience this call to mindfulness is to use this as an entry point to meditation. By slowly breaking the verse down into its essential parts, one may create a chant, or mantra, or entry point into a guided meditation. Use a bell, singing bowl, drum, finger cymbals, rattle, or other device as a call to attention. Slowly break the verse down, and then build it up again, as a form of meditation or prayer. You could speak it aloud or silently, sing it all on a single note (this is called recto tono), or chant it. Take your time, repeating each word slowly and meaningfully. It goes like this:

Get settled into a comfortable sitting position or lie down with your back supported. With palms up and eyes either closed or in soft focus, start with three deep breaths. Then use your device (bell or finger cymbals, etc.) to begin each verse.

(Ring Bell)

Be still and know that I am God.


Be still and know that I am.


Be still and know.


Be still.




Be still.


Be still and know.


Be still and know that I am.


Be still and know that I am God.


 Repeat the process three times. Then after a short rest, take three more slow deep breaths. Slowly stretch and come back to your fully awake self.

What did you experience? What thoughts or images came to mind? Did you encounter your Higher Power?



A Quick Thought: Interfaith and Interspiritual Perspectives on Reincarnation


Happy Thanksgiving!