
Some Common Prayers from the World’s Faith Traditions
(that we should all learn and know)

Assembled from sacred texts by Rev. Chris

  • Akashat patiitam toyam yatha gacchati sagaram Sarvadevanamaskara keshavam prati gachati

    Just as all the water falling from the skies eventually reaches the ocean, Similarly, prayers and worship offered to all Divine Beings Eventually reach the Divine Spirit (Keshava)

  • Shema Yisra’el Adonai Eloheinu Adonai ehad

    Hear, O Israel The Lord is Our God The Lord is One!

  • By ourselves is evil done, By ourselves we pain endure, By ourselves we cease from wrong, By ourselves we become pure, No one saves us but ourselves, No one can and no one may, We ourselves must tread the path, Buddhas only show the way.

  • La Illaha Il Allahu

    Other than God there is nothing, God alone exists.

  • Creek Stomp Song (“Spiritual Warrior” Call and Response)

    We Hiya Eh Ho Weyo Weya Hiya! Weeya Weeya Oyaneh Oh Weeya Haneh! HaRe! DumDum!

    We open ourselves To commune with Spirit We connect our minds With Spirit’s mind! Opening the Way To Spirit! So it happens!

  • Open your eyes, and you will realize That nowhere is God absent That no being, place or thing, Visible or invisible, Living or inanimate, Is without holiness. Look closely, And you will find something sacred everywhere, And in everything. Witness with deep-seeing eyes, And you will see Ashe revealed…

  • Thule Eskimo Song of Day Break

    Day arises From sleep, Day wakes up With the dawning light. Also you must arise, Also you must awake Together with the day which comes.

  • The Lord’s Prayer (traditional)

    Our Father

    Who Art in Heaven

    Hallowed Be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come

    Thy Will Be Done

    On Earth as it is in Heaven

    Give us this day our daily bread

    And forgive us our trespasses

    As we forgive those who trespass against us

    And lead us not in to temptation But deliver us from Evil

    For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory now and forever


  • O Birther! [The Lord’s Prayer in modern translation from the original ancient Aramaic by Neil Douglas Klotz]

    O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos, Focus your light within us – make it useful: Create your reign of unity now Your one desire then acts with ours As in all light, so in all forms. Grant what we need each day in Bread and Insight. Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, As we release the strands we hold Of others’ guilt. Don’t let surface things delude us, But free us from what holds us back. From you is born all ruling will, The power and the life to do, The song that beautifies all, From age to age it renews. Truly-power to these statements May they be the ground from which all My actions grow, Amen.

  • (Repeat three times)

    Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy on us. (Then at end: ) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to our Divine Mother, Theotokos And to the Divine Spirit, all in one; Now and Forever, age unto age, Amen. Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us.

  • The Mother of Us All

    The mother of us all, she is the one who is Lady of All,

    And she is the one of whom I would speak,

    The one who gives birth, And the one who brings death, Beginning and end of the course of our lives.

    You are the cauldron of wisdom, From which inspiration flows,

    You are the broad earth, Which gives birth to all life,

    You are the circling moon,

    Ruling the tides of oceans and women,

    You are the endless night sky,

    Filled with numberless stars,

    You are a grove of birch trees, Shining in the forest deep,

    You are the Mother of us All,

    And we look to you in wonder and awe. So it is, and so shall it ever be.